Monday, August 30, 2010

*Home again*

Good Morning :)

We are back again...Kevin and I had a wonderful time in Germany with my family and friends :)

My Mom spoiled us rotten LOL but she loves to cook and bake for people...I wish I could say that too :) I hope my husband don't get the idea that I'm going to bake every day now he he

We had a great time there, my Mom didn't see Kevin for 8 was so sweet to listen to them when my Mom tried to speak English and Kevin tried to speak German...every once in a while is was saying *Ivonne I need your heeelp, I have no clue what your Mom is trying to tell me* so sweet...

We still have a little bit of jet lag...I will post pics from our vaccation in a couple of days...

Have a wonderful day :)

Good to be home again...Smiles Ivonne

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Ivonne! I missed you! Now get to baking, ;) lol
