Wednesday, June 9, 2010

*MY PILOT* husband had his first solo flight today :)
He came home all exited...can you tell on the grin in
his face?

The story behind the shirt cutting is that in the old days they didn't have radios and open cockpit, so the instructor would
tug on the back of the students shirt to get his attention so he could give him instructions...after the student flys solo... the instructor would cut out the shirt tail, symbolizing that the intructor
no longer needs to tug on the shirt anymore to get his attention because the student knows
how to fly now :)
This is the piece he is holding in his hands...

Smiles Ivonne


  1. Congrats to Kevin. Way to go!!!
    Wonderful pics Ivonne.

  2. CONGRATS Kevin! Say, what about yall flying by and picking us for a day out! :)))~~Pam
