Monday, May 24, 2010


Look at this little Stinker LOL

I had a bunch of shipping paper to throw away
and my cat *Spooky* build a little nest...I didn't see him at first...
I had to laugh as I saw him only his cute eyes were looking out he is always doing
funny (well not always so funny) things, it makes me laugh and
when I'm talking to him his tail goes like crazy like a dog would do...

Click on the is worth it :)


  1. That is the cutest ever!! Gotta love the sneaky kitty!!

  2. I can see the mischief in his eyes.
    What great pics. Thanks for the good laugh.

  3. Oh yes he is :) he funny though...I never had a cat with so much character, sometimes I wonder if a black cat has more horse power he he

    He is really a cutie...I'm so happy he adopted ME :)
    Smiles Ivonne

  4. LOL I love these pictures! What a cute kitty he is.
    I love love love your new banner too! Hugs~~Pam

  5. Absolutely love this picture (the first one of just the eyes)! Do you mind if I borrow it as a wallpaper for the Fall?
