Friday, June 13, 2008

Dad...*Happy Father's Day*

Yesterday, it was 6 month ago that my beloved Dad passed family and I are still in so much pain...NOTHING is like it used to is so sad!

Those pictures were taken in June 2006 as I was visiting my parents in Germany, everything was just fine...

My Dad always had a *Green Thumb* he loved taking care of his flowers and plants...if you couldn't find him in the house, he was for sure in his garden :)

Dad, this is the first time that I can not call you and say *Happy Father's Day* to, I even looked at Father's Day cards...many people were gathering around the Father's day cards and had fun picking one for their father' hurts...Dad, I'm
looking into the stars and hope that you see us how much we are missing you...even though you are not physically here with me, I want to wish you *Happy Father's Day* will NEVER be forgotten!
We love you!

We Can’t Believe You’re Gone

Dad, our sadness knows no end;
We can’t believe you’re gone;
We’re grieving for you every day;
It’s hard to carry on.

You were always there to support and care,
When we needed a true friend,
How we’ll ever do without our dad,
We cannot comprehend.

You were our teacher and our guide,
Our dad, so good and strong;
Your example will sustain us now,
And last our whole lives long.

We’re trying to communicate;
We hope that you can hear;
Expressing what we feel for you,
Helps us feel you’re near.
Our memories of the times we had
Help the pain to go away.
But Dad, our lives won’t be the same;
We’ll miss you every day.
A part of us went with you;
You left a gap too big to fill;
You’re our father and our hero;
We love you and we always will.
By Joanna Fuchs


  1. oh Ivonne, i know you miss your dad terribly! I'm so sorry he is gone and your heart is aching so. I know in time you will never get used to him being gone, b/c he was such a big part of your life, but I hope that time will ease your pain some.
    What a nice uic of your dear dad, and I see you resemble him too.

  2. Patty, thank you sooo much for your thoughtful email...I talked to a lady...she lost her husband 10 years ago...she told me, grief is like a dark sky...after a while the sun is pocking through...just a little bit...after a while the holes are getting bigger and the sun will shine even more...after a while the sky is going to be blue and sunny and every once in a while there will be just a dark cloud.. I think this is a wonderful way to handle grief

  3. I think so too Ivonne - what a wonderful way to think of it.
    I'm positive your dad would not want you to be sad but rather remember the happiness you shared together :)

  4. Thanx for sharing this lovely poem.
    I lost my father in 1981 the only thing I can say to you is that he is with you each and every day, in your heart and in your memories , which are unique to you and only you and no one can ever take these away from you.
    Sorry for your loss
    joan craft in italy
