Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I have this cuby hole above my fireplace for the TV is in the entertainment center...sooo I decorated it :) I still need to put candles in my candelier!!

Our Dining Room

 My beloved bench...I dragged this thing allover the place...I bought this in Germany...unfinished wood... and now it has this wonderful grey to it...anyhow...I wanted to show you the snow we had...for 1 day LOL

This is what we see looking out the kitchen windows...there is nature preserve right behind the house...very pretty...can't wait for summer to see all the animals...Kevin saw 2 foxes already, we have birds galore and sooo many geese...

Smiles Ivonne


  1. I REALLY love your home. You have it decorated so beautiful... I love your style.

  2. Your home is beautiful..I love the bench and the light in your cubby hole even without the candles in it..Have a great week..

  3. Pictures are lovely!! You have really made your new house...a "home". Very pretty!!
    Have a wonderful day!!
    Hugs, Mona

  4. Thank you so much Judy :) I love is always fun!!

  5. Thank you Janet :) It took me a while to figure out what I can do with the cubby hole...I think I will put a little electric candle in there...Ivonne

  6. Hello Mona :) Thank you so much for your compliment :) We are renting this place and I really like how it is is always fun to decorate a new place :)

  7. Ciao Ivonne,
    I would like write many and many thing but my English is so bad and each time I cannot explain my "full" thought...( can I write in Italian ;)?)
    I like so much your home, the wall colors and pieces of furniture and accessories...Love yuor porch and the nature all around! I would like visit that place and met you as you are a wonderful and sweet person and artist !
    Have a wonderful day,
    Mila :)

  8. Lovely decorating glad to see you settling into your new life there!

  9. Qué hermosa está quedando tu casa, Ivonne!,y los paisajes desde tu ventana, soñados!(y no hace falta que sea verano). Me encantó el banco!
