Sunday, December 11, 2011

*Another year has passed...*

...since my Dad lost his battle with cancer on the12th of December 2007 this was the hardest and darkest day in my life. He left us way too early...he just turned 69...everything went so fast! The last time I saw him (1 year before), he was healthy and strong...but I'm glad that he don't have to suffer anymore!

Oh he loved Christmas, his most favorite season and no one else could make it more special and magical as he did. As we were kids, he used to use the silver tinsel to decorate the tree...oh my, you couldn't see the tree anymore, but it was the most beautiful tree I have ever seen! In Germany, we are putting our tree up on Christmas we were little, my sister and I had to stay in our rooms so the *Christkindle* (it is an Angel...instead of Santa) could bring the 4pm we went to church and after that we were allowed to go in the living room...the lights were out, Christmas music was playing, the tinsel on the tree was shimmering, Mom's cookies smelled wonderful, his handmade Manger was in front of the tree...we were singing some Christmas songs together and after that we opened our Dad had always a special surprise for my Mom...maybe 1 hour after gift exchanging he came with a box big or small and surprised her with some jewelery...isn't that sweet? I will never forget all this wonderful times...

Christmas will never be the same for us but you are always in our hearts, we miss you Dad!!


  1. Ivonne Im so sorry.Seems the holidays make us miss our loved ones even more. Thank goodness you have such wonderful warm memories of him. ~~Hugs~~

  2. Lovely post Ivonne.
    It's always hard at this time of year without our loved ones.
    Embrace the memories.
    Prim Blessings

  3. Hi Ivonne,
    Es tut mir leid, daß dein Vati so früh von euch gehen muste.
    Hoffe, Dir gefällt es in Virginia.
    Angela in Kentucky

  4. oh Ivonne, I know you miss your dad terribly. This will be the 2nd Christmas without my mom, and life is just not the same now, and the holidays will take some getting used to. The bright spot in our life is gone.
    Sending you a big hug~
