Wednesday, June 15, 2011


This is a Customer order...she is one of four sisters and she will give each sister the same banner...
what a sweet idea :)
Here is a more *grungy* version of the ribbon...


GoldieLoo Woodworks said...

It turned out really nice Vonney Poo! love it.~~Pam

Anonymous said...

Beautiful as always, Ivonne!!

QuiltingFitzy said...


I feel very fortunate to have found you, thank you for your awesome creativity.

Each year my Sisters and I get together for a reunion of sorts. We each live 2000 miles apart. Often it includes daughters, daughters-in-laws, and sometimes it's a whole family affair.

Making time for family is the only way to stay a family.

We share gifties, and these banners will be my show stopper!!

Thanks again.