Thursday, March 24, 2011


I feel so bad for not posting anything lately :( my life is so busy right now that I wish
the day would have more hours...I'm sure many of you feel the same :)

Summer has arrived here in GA...we are having temp. in the mid 80's...I'm already running around in shorts and T-shirt...I'm sure next year around this time the temp. will be a lot different in Maryland...I checked the temperature online's still cold there!!!

Kevin and I made some changes to our plans with our upcoming move in November/December...first I wanted to stay here in GA til I sell the house and follow him after the sale but I don't like the idea anymore of being alone all the time...then we thought we are going to put the house on the market in May and if we sell the house we would have to squeeze ourselves in his 1 bedroom apartment...the thought of it made me dizzy!

Also if we put the house on the market now, my furry friends would have to live with me husband (he is currently living 21/2 hours from me to go a Military school) sooo we will enjoy the house til we have to move...make one big move and then put the house on the market, I hope it is a smart solution and we hope it will sell is a big financial burden to have a house and have to rent a new place in a different State but I guess that is how it is going to be...

I attached a picture I took on one of my Germany visits...I'm still working on my Photography skills :)


  1. Wow, we can only dream of the 80's! We are still in the 50's with lots of rain! Enjoy your weather and lots of luck in selling your home!

  2. Hallo Ivonne,

    es kommt immer alles anders wie man denkt, aber es wird schon werden. Wir waren Air Force und haben viele Umzuege machen muessen, aber irgendwie ist es immer gegangen. Wir wuenschen Euch viel Glueck, vorallem das das Haus gut verkauft wird.
    Unsere Temperaturen hier in Oregon lassen uebrig, wir braechten viel Sonne, wir haben nichts als Regen und das schon Monate. Typisch fuer hier. Ein Bayer in Oregon!
