Sunday, November 28, 2010

*The Christmas Pickle Story*

the last decoration
placed on the Christmas tree
was always a pickle... carefully
hidden deep in the boughs. Legend
has it that the observant child who found
it on Christmas Day was blessed with a year
of good fortune...
and a special gift!

I do have a green pickle Christmas ornament...I knew parts of the story...I was researching it and found this article on line...I thought it is interesting and I wanted to share it with you...make sure you get a green pickle :)


  1. Ivonne, believe it or not I hang two pickle ornaments on our tree every year. One for me and one for my hubby. I never knew the story behind it, but I knew it was for good luck. Talk to you soon.

  2. Ivonne, for many, many years I have hidden my glass pickle ornament on my tree. We have an open house every Christmas Eve and it is a major part of everyone's evening to try to find the pickle. If they do, they whisper its location to me and I give them a little gift. This goes on all night and we all have a wonderful time watching guests search.

  3. I saw these pickles at Pier 1 and I thought they where Jalepenos:O) Never had heard the story before, still learning all these neat traditions:O)

  4. My husband's father's side of the family came from Poland. They have a tradition with a pickle ornament as well. The first person awake on Christmas morning puts the ornament on the tree and tries to hide it. The first person to find it opens the first present Christmas morning
