Monday, June 7, 2010


I thought I would share some pictures of my new
projects I'm working on right now when I don't make banners :)

This is a *Carriage House Samplings* design

and Nancy from *Moon Pie Primitives* had this wonderful
idea to take pieces of the pattern and created her own...I loved it so much
that I asked her if she mind if I make one for myself and she
said she is cool with it...thank you Nancy :)
Don't know yet if I frame it or make a bag out of it...

This is also a design by *Carriage House Samplings*...
Oh my...this one takes a lot of patience...
very colorful...I love it...I'm sure it will look great
when it is completely finished. I will get a very nice frame
for it...


  1. These are beautiful. Glad to see you are getting in some stitching. Make sure you finish them into something or frame them. They are too pretty to let sit around.
    BTW... Your house is sooooo pretty. Wish you could move it right next to mine so we could stitch together:)

  2. Beautiful stitching. I'm so sad that Kathy (Carriage House Samplings) will no longer be selling her patterns after this summer. These two look great!

  3. Ivonne, your work is beautiful - both your banners and your cross stitch projects!! Crafty but elegant too! I've never used anything smaller than 16 count; not sure if my eyes could handle 32?lol It isn't just your stitching but the backing fabrics you pick really set your work off beautifully! Sincerely, Jeannette

  4. OH OH OH! I love them, great job Ivonne! ~~Pam

  5. Hi Ivonne: Wow!!! your stitching turned out great!!!!! Thanks again, I'm sooooo happy you liked my idea...
    Happy stitching. Nancy
