Friday, May 28, 2010


Here is a little story about my cat *Spooky*

Spooky adopted ME 1 1/2 years ago...I was outside talking to my neighbor, it was raining and we were standing in my garage...then we heard a soft cry...we looked and all of a sudden Spooky came running over the wet grass to me and didn't want to leave my site anymore...I wrapped him in a towel to dry him off and after holding him for hours I put him in my cat kennel with food and water...the next day I found out that he belonged to a family in my neighborhood...I wanted to bring Spooky back till I saw in which condition they were living...horrible! I was crying the way home because I left him with this people and couldn't get my mind off Spooky, I was worried for his well being...they also cut his whiskers very short (it was the small daughter)!

I was home, maybe for 1 hour and went back and was begging if I can at least bring him to the Vet. to get his eye infection under control...he was only 4 weeks old!!!

They told me that I can have him they don’t have money to feed him or bring him to the doctor. So all of a sudden I was owner of 3 cats, my lucky day :)…Kevin was still in Iraq so I was very happy that I could care for this little kitten…he was sooo tiny…adorable…Kevin was skeptical at first to get a 3rd cat…but guess what…he and Spooky connected instantly as he came home from Iraq and Kevin plays A LOT with him…

About 3 weeks later my oldest cat *Maja* was dying on old age…I had to put her down…it was very very sad, I had her for almost 18 years… especially with Kevin not being with me…thank God a friend of mine went with me and we buried her on her property which is huge!

Sooo this is the story of Spooky…he got his name because he came in Fall (almost October) and he found ME in the night…believe me his name fits him very well…like I said he is a Stinker!!! But super sweet and funny!!! He makes us laugh every day :)

Smiles Ivonne


  1. What a precious kitty! So glad he has a wonderful home with you.

    Lauralee >^.^<

  2. Hi Ivonne:Love your kitten pictures... I'm so glade there are people like you that are willing to help out stray animals... If Reilly ( my Dog and very favorite...) needed help I hope he would run into someone like you.... I'm hoping you have lots of time to stitch, Nancy

  3. He is such a cutie and so lucky to have you as a mommy :)

  4. Such a precious kitty - and I love his name! I used to have 3 cats and loved each of them in their own way and miss them dearly. Am now the proud mama of Graycie who is a wonderful kitty! Graycie says to say Hi to Spooky and tell him that he made the right choice.

  5. ohhhh sweet sweet Spooky. Maybe he came along because he knew in some way he could help you with the death of Maja.They do find us, I believe that. I know Mr.Biscuit found me.Hugs to Spooky.~~Pam
