Thursday, July 16, 2009

*Happy Anniversary Honey*

Today, 15th of July 2009 is our 9th Anniversary :) We are having two Anniversary's ...the other one is on the 10th of August 2009...this was the legal one in Danmark and the 15th of July was one year later in a Church in Germany...where did the time go??? I don't know but I know for sure that I have an awesome, loving, caring and handsome husband...after only 4 month of dating we got married...I would do it again in a heartbeat!

I love you Kevin with all my heart and soul...forever!


  1. Happy belated Anniversary u 2 ! ♥
    What a lovely couple yall are. Hugs~~Pam

  2. Happy Anniversary to Both of you!
    Time does seem to whiz right by us.
    I hope you are having a wonderful visit.

  3. Happy Anniversary. I hope you had a memorable one!

  4. Wow!!! Happy anniversary!!! I hope your relationship will last forever. God bless!!!
