Saturday, February 28, 2009

*I didn't drop of the earth...*

...I'm so sorry that I didn't post anything lately...

On the 22nd of December my husband came home from his 14 month deployment from Iraq...finally :) We have to catch up on a lot of things...
It is so nice to have him home again :) He was on leave for a few weeks...the 1st week he relaxed and the 2nd week we took on a big project...we put hard wood floors down...OMG it is sooo much you can see *Spooky* my 6 old month kitten was "helping me" took us forever but it we love how it changed our home...and we put tiles in our guest bathroom. We glued the wooden floor down...I was the glue girl :)...this glue was absolutely crazy! Anyway...we have a beautiful floor now but I have carpal tunnel syndrome on both arms :( it is pretty painful! I'm wearing my stabilizers at night...slowly but surely it is getting better YEAH

Kevin will go back to college for 1 year...after that he has to go for 6-8 month to Captain's school in a different State...but I will stay put :)
This upcoming year, I will take the opportunity to spend as much time with my husband as possible...after this 1 year in school he will be very busy again and he will work long hours.

I will not stop making dolls...I'm planing to sew a doll here and there but not regulary...I hope you understand...I will keep you updated...I will send you an email when I offer a new doll :)

I also included a picture of us all dressed up...we had a Tribute ball to our fallen Soldier's in our Battalion...

Hugs to all of you :)


  1. good to hear things are going well ivonne...take care, robin

  2. So Happy to see you both enjoying each other! That is a True Blessing! Your Floor looks so nice! We have wood also and I love it!!You have alot of plans for awhile and that is a good thing!
    Your Picture is so nice of you and your husband! Well I have missed your updates, but as my daughter always says "It's All Good"...I will be peeking in on you ever so often!!! EnJOY each other!!! Love your new kitty too!!! SMileS~*~Birdy Come visit my Blog ever so often too!! HOPE to buy one of your dolls someday!!!

  3. Sounds like a pretty good excuse to me. :)
    Glad you are enjoying your time together.
    The floors look beautiful!

  4. So glad your hubby is home with you now. And your floor looks beautiful! I hope to some day redo the wooden floors under our carpeting. And your new little kitty helper is so darn cute up there on your back.


  5. Ivonne .... your floors are beautiful. It takes time to get ajusted to having them gone and then to have them back. I am sure you both are ajusting well.
    Spooky looks like he is having a great time..... =)

    Enjoy each other.... you have deserved it.

    Blessings Maggie =)

  6. Ivonne, I'm so happy for you and Kevin! I'm sorry to hear that your CTS is acting up, I can relate. I sure miss seeing your beautiful dolls!

    What a nice pic of you and hub...and I love your new hair color too.

    take care and enjoy life!

  7. You sure are missed, Ivonne, but you certainly deserve the time with your hubby. God Bless-

  8. You have been missed, but how wonderful that your hubby is home! Enjoy! : )

  9. Just wanted to pop in and see what's shakin' ...

    you are surely missed, sweet Ivonne, but relish your time together and do everything you have been putting off while he was in Iraq. I'm so happy for you, I know it was not an easy period of time while your dh was away.


  10. I am having a blog giveaway, come see!
