Tuesday, July 15, 2008

*Thank you*

Thank you all for your good wishes to our Anniversary :) it made me very happy, I really appreciate it!

Of course with my husband not being home :( I didn't do very much. I worked on a doll for TDIPT Mercantile and I wanted to cut my grass...well as soon as I took my lawnmower out of my garage it started to rain...just a little bit...I thought oh I will make it...I never cut my grass in such a speed as today...I was half done and it started to rain pretty good...I didn't mind but all those people who drove by thought probably I'm crazy LOL BUT I finished my misson :)

Hope everyone had a good day :)


  1. I just found your blog thru my friend Jenny and I LOVE LOVE your work...great inspiration...Your husband and all the others stationed are always in our prayers for a safe return..
    take care.
    Gina :)

  2. Hey !? Happy belated Annivesary girlfriend ! Im sorry you 2 have to be so far away from each other at this time.Hugs~~Pam

  3. So glad that you got your mission done. LOL Even if it was in the rain. Ha

    I am sure they have done some crazy things too. I know I have cut grass in the rain before...I only had a bit left and wanted to get done.


  4. Thank you your compliment Gina :) and for the prayer's...we really need them!
