Customers who are on my mailing list know already that Kevin and I are moving
to Maryland in November/December...Kevin is in the Military and it is time to move again...but we are super excited to explore another State :) lots of new things to discover and explore! We heard it is a beautiful State!
I wanted to let you also know that I caught up on my orders and I'm ready to except new orders again :) I thought I'll let you know :) We are putting our House for sale in May...and then the waiting game begins. If we sell the house fast then I will go to Germany for a good while to help out my Mom if not, I will work on banners til I have to pack up my stuff LOL
If you are interested in placing an order with me, now is a good time...no matter
if you are interested in *Halloween* *Christmas* *4th of July* banners...or a Custom
made banner...need a gift for your Family or Friends...or treat yourself with a banner :)
If you are interested in placing orders or if you would like to have a price quote, please feel
The banner prices run mostly between $24 - $34...but it also depends how wide the banner is!
I hope this E-mail finds you well and I would love to hear from you :)