*We reached the 1 year mark*

Today, 25th of October...it is exactly 1 year ago that I had to say Good bye to my husband Kevin...he and his fellow Soldiers are stationed in Iraq...if everything goes by plan there is a big chance that they will be home by Christmas...YIPEE!!!

That would be the best Christmas gift :) I'm already preparing his home coming...I want the house real cozy looking...Christmas lights everywhere...awww I wish it would be Christmas already :)

Please keep our brave Soldiers, Men and Women,
in your prayers...thank you.

God Bless America

Sunday, October 19, 2008

*18th of October is the Sweetest Day*

Today is the *Sweetest Day* and I want to take the opportunity to say thank you to all of you...family and friends and of course my husband for being there for me, caring for me and listen when I had sad days...it wasn't an easy year... Kevin in Iraq and what happened to my Dad...it is so important to have friends in our live's!

A big Thank You to all my Customers who like my dolls :)...I will have a doll for the 1st of November on TDIPT Mercantile :)
Thank you!
Hugs Ivonne :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

*Kitten on my Porch*

Look at this cute kitten...he is climbing around on my porch...he is sooo tiny...is he a Halloween cat???

Thursday, October 16, 2008

*Columbus Day*

I found this on the internet, pretty interesting :)

Many countries in the New World and elsewhere celebrate the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas, which occurred on October 12, 1492 in the Julian calendar and October 21, 1492 in the modern Gregorian calendar, as an official holiday. The day is celebrated as Columbus Day in the United States, as Día de la Raza (Day of the Race) in many countries in Latin America, as Día de las Culturas (Day of the Cultures) in Costa Rica, as Discovery Day in The Bahamas, as Día de la Hispanidad (Hispanic Day) and National Day in Spain, and as Día de la Resistencia Indígena (Day of Indigenous Resistance) in Venezuela. These holidays have been celebrated unofficially since the late 18th century, and officially in various countries since the early century. Especially since the later 20th century, some organizations and individuals have criticized the celebrations as commemorating the institution of European colonization of the Americas at the expense of indigenous cultures.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Ahhh...finally...fall is here :) I love fall in GA...no humidity, nice temperatures...still can wear flip flops and shorts and it cools down during the night...awesome time!

I got in the mood to decorate my front porch a little bit...here are some pictures...

I'm getting ready for Kevin to come home from Iraq...if everything goes good, he might comes home before Christmas...BUT it is not for sure :( I started to paint some rooms in our home...I had painted 4 roomes so far...I hope he likes it! I still want to paint 2 more rooms...I love painting...so relaxing!

On Friday I plan on starting to sew again...I'm excited :)

Happy Fall Yall'